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Author: Dr David Palmer

Spinal Decompression Traction For Pinched Nerves

Spinal Decompression Traction for Pinched Nerves

A safe, non-surgical treatment to effectively treat low back pain, neck pain and nerve compression.

Have you ever found yourself thinking that your entire spine just needs a good stretch? If so, spinal decompression traction may be exactly what you have been looking for. Spinal Decompression Traction is an effective treatment option for both neck and lower back pain, especially when it radiates into the arms and legs. At Align Corrective Chiropractic we have a highly advanced spinal decompression table that has helped many patients (with debilitating pain) avoid surgeries.

Spinal decompression for pinched nerves


Spinal Decompression Traction is an especially effective treatment option for:

Herniated or bulging discs
Nerve Compression
“Slipped Disc”
Degenerative Disc Disease
Spinal Stenosis

Have you ever experienced a sore, radiating or nagging pain in your arms or legs? Maybe it was a sharp shooting pain, or numbness or tingling? These are all common symptoms of a nerve compression, commonly known as a “pinched nerve”. These symptoms can be so severe that they stop you from performing the most basic day to day tasks. This becomes exhausting and debilitating which often leads people to think that surgery is their only option.

If you have been diagnosed with any of the above conditions and are looking for an alternative to surgery, please give Spinal Decompression Traction a try.
Spinal Decompression Traction for a pinched nerved


At Align Corrective Chiropractic we run a specialised program called the ‘Spine Relieve and Restore’ TM program, which was created in order to help people with pinched nerves, get long term relief. We will complete a thorough initial assessment with a variety of neurological and orthopaedic tests to help us determine if you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression Traction. We also have on site Digital X-ray services available. With this information we will put together a treatment program to help you get back to functioning at your best.

Should you require any further info in this regard, please give us a call or Whatsapp us on (031) 5629180

Pinched Nerve in the Lower Back.

Pinched Nerve in the Lower Back.

There is nothing quite as debilitating as a pinched nerve in the lower back. It can cause extreme pain, affect your basic movements and make the simplest of activities a nightmare. Fortunately there is a lot we can do to help, and it is actually something we see commonly in practice. Read further to discover what causes a pinched nerve in the lower back and how we at Align Corrective Chiropractic can help you specifically.

A pinched nerve in the lower back (also called a lumbar radiculopathy) is when the nerves from the lower portion of your spine get irritated or compressed. I see this most commonly at the L4/L5/S1 vertebrae of the lower back. These nerves control the muscles of your back, hips, legs, ankles and feet. Pinching of these nerves can cause a variety of symptoms from your waist down to your toes.

How does a pinched nerve affect you?

Some patients report extreme stiffness or restriction in their movements. They may find difficulty in bending forwards or backwards, or a sharp catch when moving suddenly. Severe, sharp shooting pain in the lower back, into the buttocks and down the legs is also very common. These nerves control sensation, so you may have no pain, but instead you may experience numbness, tingling or pins and needles. A severe pinched nerve may result in weakness of the leg muscles, inability to lift the toes or foot, and can even affect bladder and bowel functioning. Nerve compression’s are no joke, they can have a severe impact on your quality of life and cause a lot of problems over a long period if not treated correctly.

What causes it?

The most common underlying cause of a pinched nerve in the lower back that I see in practice is related to alignment and poor posture. The structures of the lower back, hips and pelvis function best when they are all in an ideal balanced alignment. Misalignment results in extra strain on the discs, joints and nerves. Over time this can lead to degenerative changes in the spine known as arthritis or spondylosis. This causes weakening of the structures, thinning of the discs and extra bony changes (bone spurs) which can all pinch the nerves.

How do we assess a pinched nerve?

We begin with taking a thorough history. We will listen to you, because we want to know exactly what is happening with you. Your symptoms will usually give us a fair idea if you are suffering with a pinched nerve. We will then perform some specific neurological tests, such as reflexes, sensation and strength. We will also take a good look at your posture and use specific X-Rays to measure the shape and alignment of your spine.

How do we treat a pinched nerve?

Patients will often be given strong painkillers, anti-inflammatory’s or receive injections to reduce the pain that they experience. I do not always agree with this approach, as these drugs often have serious long term side effects, and do not actually fix the underlying problem. It’s often the case that as soon as the medications wear off the pain returns. We develop a specific corrective program based on your individual findings and unique needs. The focus of a Corrective program, is to correct the underlying cause of your pinched nerve. We use a combination of corrective chiropractic adjustments, muscle release, exercises and traction to correct structural misalignment.

If you want to get your life back and solve the underlying cause of your pinched nerve then please give us a call or Whatsapp us on 031 562 9180.

Correction Potential X-Rays


Correction Potential X-Rays are an extremely valuable tool in assessing the efficacy of a specific corrective treatment intervention. If you are spending your valuable time performing a specific corrective exercise, you want to make sure that it is achieving the desired outcome.  Correction Potential X-Rays are used predominately by Corrective Care Chiropractors. The goal of a Corrective treatment plan is to see a long term structural change in the shape of the spine that can be objectively measured on X-Rays. Correction potential X-Rays are a game changer.


Any deviation of the spine, away from the ideal shape, is worth correcting. This is exactly what we focus on at Align Corrective Chiropractic in Durban. It’s very possible that the shape and alignment of your spinal structures are the underlying cause of your symptoms. I very frequently see people who are battling with neck problems. An X-Ray of their neck will very often reveal a loss of the normal neck curve. This is called a loss of the cervical lordosis. We know that the cervical lordosis is very important in the normal functioning of the neck. We know that a loss of the lordosis (curve) causes more strain on the structures of the neck. So it makes sense to correct it.


Any deviation of the spine, away from the ideal shape, is worth correcting. This is exactly what we focus on at Align Corrective Chiropractic in Durban. It’s very possible that the shape and alignment of your spinal structures are the underlying cause of your symptoms. I very frequently see people who are battling with neck problems. An X-Ray of their neck will very often reveal a loss of the normal neck curve. This is known as a loss of the cervical lordosis. We know that the cervical lordosis is very important in the normal functioning of the neck. We know that a loss of the lordosis (curve) causes more strain on the structures of the neck. So it makes sense to correct it.

This correction potential X-ray confirms that this specific cervical traction device does improve the shape of the neck.


In the following example, this patient had an anatomical leg length inequality (short leg). This cannot be fixed with chiropractic adjustments alone, and will require an appropriate sized heel lift to be fitted in the shoe. The before picture shows his pelvic alignment without a lift, and the follow up X-Ray is taken with him wearing the lift. The correction potential X-Ray allows us to see if the size of the lift we have prescribed is correct and if it is having the desired effect.

Correction Potential X-ray for Short Leg
It is clear that the use of an appropriate sized lift drastically improves the lumbar and pelvic alignment.


In this last example this patient presented with Scoliosis. We wanted to know what kind of home-based traction wedge would have the greatest effect on her scoliosis. We had her lie down on two different devices and took X-Rays of her spine in this position. You can see that both devices help to straighten the spine but the second device allows the greatest correction potential.

If you are undergoing corrective chiropractic care, have been struggling with an issue that is just not coming right, or you want to confirm that a corrective exercise you have been prescribed is having the desired effect, then you may benefit from a Correction Potential X-Ray. Contact Align Corrective Chiropractic on 031 5629180 for more information.

Best Sleeping Position

Choosing Your Best Sleeping Position

I can’t tell you how many of our patients have woken up with back or neck aches all because they have not chosen the best sleeping position.

This post is going to explain how you can choose the best sleeping position, so that you wake up feeling great. If you find yourself often waking up feeling sore or achy then there is a good chance that you are not sleeping in the best position. It could also be due to a low quality pillow, or mattress, but we will cover those topics in future posts.

The main thing to keep in mind when choosing the best sleeping position is the alignment and shape of your spine. Our spines are designed to be straight from the front and have three gentle curves from the side.

Good Posture Drawing - Durban Chiro


So if you sleep on your side you want to aim to keep your spine straight, and if you sleep on your back you want to keep your curves supported.

This is why we recommend that you shouldn’t sleep on your stomach. Stomach sleepers have to twist their necks to be able to breathe comfortably, which causes the spine to twist and stretch. If you sleep for 8 hours in a twisted, stretched position then this could absolutely leave you waking up with body aches in the morning.

The Best Sleeping Position For Side Sleepers

If you prefer sleeping on your side, the main thing that you want to be aware of is the alignment of your upper back and neck. If your pillow is too thin, your neck will lean to the side, and if your pillow is too thick, it will push your neck to the opposite side. Both of these positions are not great for your neck.

Bad Sleeping Posture - Durban ChiroBad Sleeping Posture - Durban Chiropractor


Ideally you want a pillow that is just the right thickness to keep your neck and upper back straight and neutral.

Best Sleeping Position - Chiro Durban


The other issue to consider when sleeping on your side is what to do with your legs. We tend to roll our upper leg forward to take the pressure off our knees, this then ends up twisting the lower back and increases the strain on the lower back. So the best thing to keep your spine in a neutral position is to place a small rolled up towel, or cushion between your knees.


The Best Position For Back Sleepers

If you prefer sleeping on your back, the main thing that you want to be aware of is maintaining the curve of your neck and not pushing your head into a forward head posture. If you sleep with pillows under your head it tends to push you into a forward head posture, and this is something we really want to avoid. Forward head posture is a major cause of back and neck pain, as well as headaches. We tend to spend most of our day hunched over our computers and phones, so the last thing we want to do is spend our nights in this position too.

Wrong Sleeping Position - Chiro Durban


The better option is to use a rolled up towel or round pillow under your neck, this will support the curve of your neck but not push your head too far forward. It is also beneficial to place a cushion or pillow under your knees, this will help take the pressure off your lower back.

Durban Chiro - Best Position for Neck


If you are waking up with body aches, then please pay more attention to your sleeping position and follow the tips above. If you are looking for a Durban Chiropractor to help you with your aches and pains then give us a call on 0315629180 or email

Pinched Nerve in the Neck

Have you been told that you have a pinched nerve in the neck? Are you not sure what to do about it? Well carry on reading.

This post will give you a better idea of what a pinched nerve in the neck is, how it affects you and what you can do to fix it.

What is a pinched nerve in the neck?

A pinched nerve in the neck, otherwise known as a radiculopathy, occurs when a nerve from the neck gets compressed or irritated. I see this happen most commonly at the C5/C6/C7 region of the neck. These nerves supply the muscles of your neck, shoulder and arm. Any damage to these nerves can cause a variety of symptoms into the upper back, shoulder and arm regions.

How can a pinched nerve in your neck affect you?

Some people experience a sharp shooting pain down the arm, others may have a deep, nagging pain or even a burning sensation. Many people won’t experience any pain but may have numbness, tingling, pins and needles or weakness of the arm. Many of our patients battle to find a comfortable position and have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. The longer your nerves are pinched, the more serious damage is likely to occur, and the worse your symptoms can become. Whatever you experience, it is a cause of concern and can become very debilitating.

What causes pinching of the nerves in your neck?

There are a few causes of a pinched nerve that I see commonly in practice. The most common is misalignment of the structures of the neck. The neck has an ideal C-shaped curve (Cervical Lordosis). This ideal curve is often lost due to trauma, poor posture and bad habits. This places more strain on the discs and joints, which leads to wear and tear (degenerative changes) known as arthritis or spondylosis. This also leads to flattening of the discs, extra bone growth, often referred to as bony spurs, and narrowing of the canals that the nerves travel through. All of these changes can result in increased pressure or pinching of the nerves.

Cervical Lordosis and Pinched nerve in the neck

The above X-Ray on the left shows an ideal neck curve (Green Curve). The above X-Ray on the right shows a neck that has lost its ideal curve with severe degenerative changes at the C5/C6/C7 vertebrae. This is most likely where a pinched nerve would occur.

How do we assess a pinched nerve?

At Align Corrective Chiropractic we perform a variety of neurological and orthopaedic tests to determine how well your nerves are functioning. These may include reflexes, sensory tests and strength tests. We also take a good look at your posture and use X-Rays to measure the shape of your spine, determine how healthy your spine is and assess if you have any degenerative changes.

How do we fix a pinched nerve in the neck?

The common approach for a pinched nerve in the neck is to take strong painkillers. Lyrica is a common drug prescribed for nerve pain, but it has a long list of serious long-term side effects and only offers short term relief. These medications may make you feel better, but don’t do anything to improve your posture or the shape and alignment of your neck. It’s very common to hear a patient report that their pain returns as soon as they stop taking their medication.

We take a very different approach. Firstly, we need to determine if the alignment of your neck is “pinching” the nerve. If it is, then we can develop a specific Corrective Care program for you to improve your alignment, take the pressure off your nerves and get you feeling better.

Neck Curve Correction

The before and after X-Rays above show the corrective changes that are possible when following a specific Corrective Care program.

If you have a pinched nerve in your neck and want a better approach than relying on harmful medication, then please give us a call or Whatsapp us on 031 562 9180.

Chronic Pain: What to do when your pain just won’t go away

Have you ever had chronic pain? Pain that just won’t go away. You thought you had treated it successfully only for it to return?

We actually see this quite a lot in practice. While there are a number of causes for chronic pain, it could be because the goal of treatment was to relieve the pain and not to correct the cause of the pain.

At Align Corrective Chiropractic one of our big goals is to give our patients a long-term solution for their chronic pain. This is why we focus on Corrective Chiropractic Care.

We find that many of our patients’ on-going problems are due to the shape and alignment of their spinal structures. Their spines may have become misaligned due to various traumas. Car accidents, whiplash, sports injuries, slips and falls are very common physical traumas for many of our patients. For others it’s the repetitive day-to-day trauma of sitting at a desk, sleeping in awkward positions or bad postural habits that create the underlying problem. These factors increase strain on the spine, which leads to weakness and eventually dysfunction.  It’s often only at this point that the patient notices a problem – pain. Some people will live with this pain unnecessarily for years before doing something about it.

The difference between Corrective Care and Relief Care for Chronic Pain

Many of our patients initially book a consult with us because of pain. Pain that is preventing them from living the life they want to live. They have had enough of it, and they just want to feel better.

Relief care is focused on relieving this pain, which is very often a short-term approach. We call this the “Quick Fix”.

Imagine you wake up with a headache, so you take a painkiller, or go for treatment, or use an ice pack, and it helps. You feel great afterwards.

If your goal is purely relief from the headache, then you have achieved your goal. But what if you wake up the next morning with another headache, and then the next day and so on? What if you continue to have chronic, debilitating headaches?
How long do you keep taking painkillers for, before you look for the cause of the headaches?

In this example the “Quick Fixes” are not actually fixing the problem but they are offering short term relief. Many people stop at this point of relief and get stuck in a cycle of trying all sorts of different treatments when the pain returns, only to relieve the pain temporarily, but never really addressing the cause.

From a Corrective perspective we want to take it a step further and determine why you are waking up with headaches.

Neck problems are often the underlying cause of headaches, so we would begin with assessing your spine. Through various tests, posture assessments and spinal X-rays we may discover that your upper neck is misaligned and that you have lost the ideal neck curve. This is creating strain and tension at the top of your neck and base of the skull, which is being aggravated by your sleeping posture and flat pillow and causing you to wake up with a headache.

Now that we know what is causing your problem, we can focus on correcting it.

How do we fix it?

Firstly, we would want to reduce the strain and tension in your neck and reduce those headaches. We would also want to address your lifestyle choices and sleeping habits that may be aggravating the problem. However, the real long-term benefits come when we focus on the underlying cause – changing the shape of your neck.

Durban Chiro - Chronic Pain
In the above example, the first X-ray is what the ideal curve of the neck should look like (green curve). The second picture is an X-ray of one of our patients with long-term headaches. Notice how the curve of their neck is reversing. A Corrective program would focus on changing the shape and alignment of this spine, back to the ideal.

Below are two Before and After Neck X-rays of our patients following a short Corrective Chiropractic Program.

Chiropractor Durban - Chronic Pain
Both these patients had a reversal of their ideal neck curve causing significant problems. The BEFORE X-ray was taken at their first visit. The AFTER X-ray was taken after a 12-week Corrective program. You can clearly see the amazing structural changes we were able to make in a short time frame.

We often find that as a patient’s spinal alignment improves, so does their pain, but not only their pain. Many of our patient’s start to feel more energetic, sleep better, move better, their posture improves and they notice an overall improvement in their quality of life.

That is one of our major goals at Align Corrective Chiropractic. To help our patients improve their quality of lives. If you have chronic pain or feel like your quality of life could be better without the current pain you are experiencing, then please give us a call on 031 5629180 or email us at

Common Causes of Back Pain

It seems that nowadays just about everyone suffers with back pain, but did you know that there are many common causes of back pain that are quite easily preventable?

At Align Corrective Chiropractic we help people with back pain every single day.

We are strong believers that preventing back problems from developing in the first place, is a far better approach than treating the symptoms of a back problem. This post will outline a few, very common causes of back pain and what you can do to minimise them.

1. Sitting Too Much Is One Of The Most Common Causes Of Back Pain

Most people sit way too much. For a lot of people, a typical day looks something like this: They get out of bed and sit for breakfast, they sit on their commute to work, and then they sit at their desk the whole day. After a long day of sitting, they come home to sit on the couch. Prolonged sitting results in a lack of movement, placing an enormous amount of extra strain on the spine, which can cause back pain.

TIP – Be conscious of the amount of time that you spend sitting and take measures to minimise it. I recommend that you should try avoid sitting for longer than 20 minutes at a time. Set a timer at your desk/couch, and make sure you stand up and move every 20 min. Stand whilst you eat breakfast. Learn a few basic stretches that you can do at your desk.
You want to interrupt your time spent sitting by changing your posture and including movement.

2. Sitting Position

It’s no secret, sitting slouched or hunched over your desk/computer/book/food/phone is going to strain your spine. It’s far better to sit in an upright, relaxed posture. I have had a few patients recently notice that their neck hurt after some reading in bed. Turns out they were half lying, half sitting on multiple pillows, pushing their head forward for hours at a time. No wonder their necks were hurting!

TIP – This may mean changing the height of your monitor, using a support for your lower back or sitting in a more appropriate chair whilst reading.
You want to be more aware of the postures that you are in.

Chiro in Durban - common causes of back pain.

3. Sleeping Position

Many people wake up feeling stiff and sore. Sometimes it’s because of an existing spinal problem or an inappropriate bed or pillow, but for many people, it’s down to their sleeping position.

TIP – If sleeping on your side, make sure your pillow is the correct height to keep your neck in a supported position, and place a small cushion between your knees.
You want to keep your spine as neutral as possible whilst sleeping.

4. Lifting

I can’t tell you how many people hurt their backs gardening. Often due to crouched postures, strenuous activity and incorrect lifting.  Moving that awkward, heavy pot to the other side of the garden is just not worth hurting your back.

TIP – If you have to lift something heavy, squat down and lift by straightening your legs, make sure you keep your back straight and don’t twist whilst lifting.
You want to be aware of your posture and your weight limits whilst you lift.

Durban North Chiro -Common cause of back pain - Incorrect Lifting.

What should you do if you have back pain?

Even though these above factors are common causes of back pain, they are often just the final straw that triggers off or aggravates a more serious underlying spinal condition. There are many other causes of back pain that shouldn’t be ignored.

If you are battling with any spinal problem, such as headaches, neck pain, lower back pain or nerve compression you should have them appropriately assessed. Many of our patients’ spinal problems are due to poor posture or structural misalignment. Having these issues properly assessed and addressed is exactly what we do at Align Corrective Chiropractic. This could improve your symptoms and have a dramatic impact on your quality of life.

If you want a healthier spine, give us a call on 031 5629180 or email us on to find out more. Click here if you would like to book a new patient consult.

My 3 Best Sleeping Tips

Many of our patients report having problems with their sleeping, so in this post I will share my 3 Best Sleeping Tips from a Chiropractor’s perspective.

There are a lot of tips out there on getting a good night’s sleep, which can all be beneficial, but I find that the following sleeping tips are often overlooked.

1. Determining Why You are Not Sleeping Well.

Ok, so this sounds fairly obvious, but you would be surprised how many people know they don’t sleep well, but haven’t actually given any thought as to why they aren’t sleeping. So, the first step in getting a better night’s sleep is determining what’s keeping you from sleeping.

Is it because you are stressed, are there noises/lights/external events that are keeping you awake?

For a lot of our new patients it’s because they have pain. Pain that prevents them from falling asleep or wakes them up from sleep. These are the kind of patients whose sleep patterns usually improve dramatically after starting Chiropractic Care. Once we have assessed them and determined what’s causing their pain, we can put them on a plan to fix it. Once their pain subsides, they often notice their sleep improves.

A lot of our patients also notice that their sleep patterns improve after a Chiropractic adjustment, due to the relaxing effect that an adjustment can have.

2. Choosing a Good Mattress.

Again, this might seem obvious, but people often overlook their mattress. A good mattress is essential in getting a good night’s sleep. It is possible that a mattress that is too soft, of low quality or does not offer enough support, will impact your sleeping patterns.

If your mattress is showing signs of wear or tear, or visibly sags, then it is probably time to invest in a new one. If you want to find out more about choosing the best bed for you then please click here and read our previous blog post. We can help you choose a bed that is ideal for you.

3. Choosing a Good Sleeping Position.

It’s easiest to fall asleep when your spine is in a neutral, well supported position. The positions that some people get into when they are trying to fall asleep is incredible. As a Chiropractor I always discourage sleeping on your stomach. This position places your neck in a twisted position, which can cause discomfort and affect your sleeping.

The best position to sleep in is either on your side or on your back, whichever you feel more comfortable and supported in.

A tip I often recommend is to have your partner look at the position you usually sleep in and determine if your spine looks neutral or twisted. If it looks twisted, then this can be improved, and usually quite simply. I will delve into this in more detail in an upcoming blog post.

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do if you want to heal well, have lots of energy and stay healthy. It is essential to maintaining a good quality of life.

Try these simple sleeping tips above if you are battling with getting a good night’s sleep. If you are battling with pain, need a new bed, or just need some advice on sleeping positions, then give us a call on 031 562 9180 or email us on

Choosing the Best Bed for You

Choosing the Best Bed for You

There comes a point in everyone’s life when you have no other choice but to buy a new bed. Ideally you want to choose the best bed for you. This process is not always an easy one. With so many different brands on the market, all making marvelous claims, how do you know which is the best bed for you? Here are 5 things to think about when choosing your new bed.

 1. Knowing When to Replace Your Bed is Important

The first step that many people take, after waking up with aches or pains, is to blame their bed and look for a replacement. They spend their money on a new bed, only to find that they still wake up with the same aches and pains. These issues could be due to an underlying spinal condition, injury, or even quite simply due to the position they are sleeping in. If you are waking up with pains, you should have those assessed first before rushing off and buying a new bed. After a few visits with the Chiropractor, you may just find that your pains subside.

It is important to note, if your bed is over 7 years old, visibly sags in places or shows signs of wear and tear, then it probably is a good idea to look for a new one.

A great test to determine whether your bed is the problem… 

Go away for the weekend and spend a few nights sleeping on a different bed. If you wake up without the aches or pains, then it’s a good sign that your bed is part of the problem.

 2. Not All Beds are Created Equal

Now that you know your bed is the problem, it’s time to choose a new one. In a very general sense, beds are priced based on the quality of materials that they are constructed from. If you are considering a cheap bed, there’s a very good chance that it has been produced from cheap, low quality materials. This is not going to give you the same comfort, support and longevity as a higher quality bed.

Many brands will have a bottom of the range and a top of the range, so buying a specific brand does not necessarily mean that you are buying a good bed. People often say, “But I bought a (insert Brand Name here), it must be a good bed!”. It’s very difficult to judge the quality of a bed based on name alone, and not knowing what’s on the inside. In general, great beds are made with high quality materials, and as a result, come at a premium. As you spend on average a third of your life in bed, it makes sense to get the best quality bed that you can afford.

 3. Which Type of Bed Do I Get?

A young, 130kg man with a back problem is going to require something vastly different to an elderly, slim woman with arthritis. What is best for you? Should you get a foam mattress? What about a spring and foam combination mattress? Have you even considered a water or an air mattress?

In general, I find most people do best with a combination spring and foam mattress. These types of beds tend to offer good support, comfort and longevity.

  4. Avoid Marketing Gimmicks

The bed industry is full of marketing gimmicks. Beds delivered in a box, “one-size fits all”, and “made from bamboo” are some of the common “features” doing the rounds. Manufacturers will often make comments like, their bed has the “perfect posture layer” or a special “back pain zone”. These are often just marketing terms that don’t actually mean anything. The most important factor when choosing a bed is the quality of the materials it is produced from.

  5. Testing Your Bed

The standard approach, when trying out new beds, is to walk into a bed showroom, lie on a few different beds for a few minutes each and then choose the one that feels the best. Research shows that *“the customary showroom ‘test drive’ in fact often leads consumers to suboptimal mattress selection”.

By following the above approach, you are actually less likely to choose the best bed for you. Your other option, is to take the salesman’s advice. It doesn’t take much knowledge of the human body or sleep science, to become a bed salesman. Unfortunately recommendations are often based on commission and clearing old stock. The truth is, there may be a bed in the show room that is perfect for you, the difficulty lies in correctly choosing that bed.

So How Do You Choose the Best Bed for You?

In reality, the best way to determine which is the best bed for you, is to undergo a variety of sleep tests whilst sleeping on a variety of different beds. Unfortunately, this is not feasible.

We recommend speaking to someone who understands the bed industry, your body and your unique needs to determine which is the best bed for you.

At Align Corrective Chiropractic we understand that choosing a new bed is not easy but is an important decision that you want to get right. We have developed relationships with leading bed manufacturers to make custom beds for our patients, based on their needs. If you require any help when choosing the best bed for you, please give us a call on 031 562 9180 or email

Lower back pain treatment

Lower Back Pain Treatment

Lower back pain treatment is one of the most common reasons why someone might choose to see a Chiropractor. At Align Corrective Chiropractic we help people with lower back pain treatment every single day. It is estimated that over 80% of the population will have lower back pain at some point in their life. What causes it? Why is it so common? And what can you do about it, are some of the questions I aim to answer in this post.

If you are battling with lower back pain, you are not alone. Even though it is very common, lower back pain can be debilitating and can have a massive impact on your quality of life. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be.  There is actually quite a lot we can do to help if you have lower back pain.

Who Needs Lower Back Pain Treatment?

Our patients with lower back pain often report having had it for many years. I am often shocked by how long someone has lived with a problem, before deciding to do something about it. The mistake that many people make is that they ignore or cover up the pain and hope that it will go away. The problem with this approach is the longer you leave the underlying problem unresolved, the worse it tends to get. So the pain keeps coming back, it starts happening more frequently, it gets more intense and takes longer to resolve, until eventually it starts impacting even the most basic daily activities.  This is usually when people finally realise that there is a problem and start taking action.

Why wait until it gets this bad? If you are having lower back pains, it is always better to address the problem early on. So my advice is, don’t delay having your lower back pain assessed.

A Very Common, But Overlooked Cause For Lower Back Pain

There are so many contributing factors as to why you might have lower back pain. Lack of exercise, trauma, carrying extra weight, stress, the amount of time spent sitting, standing and lifting as well as certain diseases are all very commonly associated with lower back pain. However, one of the most common causes of lower back pain is often overlooked… STRUCTURE. How your spinal and pelvic structures are aligned can often play a significant role in lower back pain. This is specifically what we assess and correct at Align Corrective Chiropractic.

Durban Chiropractor - Lower back pain treatment


In this example, the patient’s lower back/pelvis X-ray on the left (BEFORE) has a significant misalignment, there is also an anatomical leg length inequality. This creates an imbalance which could cause the muscles to overwork, resulting in weakness and strain. The research shows that this can be a significant cause of chronic low back pain. Now, what do you think will happen if your focus is on treating the symptoms (strained muscles) and not correcting the underlying structural cause of your lower back pain? That’s right, your symptoms will just keep coming back. This is why we place such a big focus on Corrective Care. Following a course of Corrective Care Treatment, you can see the alignment in the X-ray on the right (AFTER) has improved significantly – so did the patient’s pain, flexibility and posture.

If you are looking for lower back pain treatment, give us a call on 031 5629180. We will assess your structure thoroughly and design a specific treatment plan to correct your problems.