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Tension Headache Relief
Tension Headache Relief

How to get long term relief from tension headaches by correcting the underlying structural cause.


How to find long term relief from Tension Headaches

Tension headaches have become so common that for a lot of us they have become a normal part of life. We manage our lives around them, we avoid doing the things we love because of them, and we pop pills just to feel normal. But tension headaches aren’t normal and there is actually a very common underlying cause for them which is often unaddressed. In this video we discuss this cause and what we can do to fix it.

What are your triggers?

Have you ever noticed that your headaches follow a certain trend? Maybe they always seem to come after a period of stress, after you have worked on the computer for long hours or eaten certain foods. Well, this is what we call a headache trigger. If you know what your triggers are you can take easy steps to avoid them and reduce the amount of headaches you get.

If you haven’t noticed any headache triggers, then I highly recommend you start taking notes of how you felt before each headache. What were you doing, what was your emotional state, what was the environment like? If you start seeing a trend then you will know what to avoid in the future to help reduce the frequency of your headaches.

Tension Headache Relief



We take the time to listen to you. We want to understand what has happened in your past to get you to this point, what your current concerns are and what your health goals are for the future.

Assess - Durban Chiro X rays


We want to understand how we can help you best. We perform physical tests to investigate where you are not functioning optimally. This may include a digital posture scan and digital X-Rays of the Spine (done on-site)

Restore -Adjustment Icon - Durban Chiro


We discuss our findings with you, and get you started on the Spine Relieve and Restore program to help you be your best

Align Chiropractic Durban LogoPNG - Black png

Here at Align Corrective Chiropractic we have searched to find the most beneficial evidence-based treatment program for Nerve Compression (Pinched Nerve.) This has culminated in the “Spine Relieve and Restore” program. A safe and effective, non-surgical, tailored approach to relieve nerve compression and restore function

The spin relief and restore progam

Here at Align Corrective Chiropractic we have searched to find the most effective, long-term treatment program for Tension Headaches. This has culminated in the “Spine Relieve and Restore” program. A safe and effective, non-surgical, tailored corrective approach to relieve Headaches and restore function.

  • Chiropractic Treatment

  • Decompression Traction therapy

  • Exercises

  • Lifestyle Modification

Spinal Decompression Traction for a pinched nerved

What is

Corrective Chiropractice Care?

Corrective Care is focused on finding the underlying structural cause for your symptoms and fixing this cause. This is very different from the standard “Relief Care” approach, which is focused on temporarily reducing your symptoms and often referred to as a “Quick Fix”

Imagine you notice a crack in your bedroom wall. So, you clean out the crack, fill it, prime it, paint it and it looks good as new. But a few months later you notice it is starting to crack again, so you repeat the above process and you “fix” it again. Symptomatic relief is continuing to repeat this process but never understanding or addressing the cause of the crack. It’s the same as taking a painkiller every time you have a headache. Wouldn’t it make sense to investigate why there is a crack in the wall and solve the underlying cause instead?

Align Corrective Chiropractic - Durban Chiro

Why Align Corrective Chiropractic?

Both Leigh and I have suffered with frequent headaches in the past and we understand how disruptive they can be to your quality of life. We have also both had long term relief of these headaches through Corrective Chiropractic care, and we wish the same for you. We are passionate about helping people in a safe, effective and natural way to get their lives back, without having to rely on risky medications and surgery.


    We would love to hear from you. Contact us on one of the methods below.