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X-Ray baner

Chiropractor in Glenashley

| Dr David Palmer |

Your new Chiropractor in Glenashley

We are now up and running as your new Chiropractor in Glenashley. Over the last couple of months we have been hard at work getting our new home-based chiropractic clinic, in Glenashley, ready. After many ups and downs, we are proud and happy to say that we are finally operational. We still have some final touches to complete, but every day we move closer and closer to the practice of our dreams.

Our goal with our new location was to have a quiet, peaceful environment that was both practical and functional. We believe we have achieved that.

After the past two weeks of seeing patients from our new location, I have noticed a few big positives that I would like to share with you, as well as some before and after pics.

The View

I began my career practicing in the UK and my dream (even back then) was to one day have a practice with a sea view. Over the years I found myself back in Durban and closer to the sea. This is now my third location change in the Durban North area and I finally have that sea view I had been hoping for.

Glenashley Chiropractor - Sea View


The Vibe

One of the best things about our new practice is that it is peaceful. There are far less distractions, which means we can be more focused on providing our patients with the best experience possible. We have far more control. When we find a problem we are able to fix it. We are also able to take on board our patients’ suggestions and feedback and improve wherever we can.

Glenashley Chiro Entrance

The Layout

With some smart planning, we were able to maximise the layout of our new space. We created a very inviting reception and waiting area. We also have an adjusting room, a therapy room, our X-Ray room, and a soon-to-be exercise room. This allows us space to grow. As a Corrective Chiropractor in Glenashley, Durban, we do things differently. Our focus is on fixing structural or postural misalignments for the long term, and not simply treating symptoms.

Chiropractor in Glenashley - Reception

With our x-ray facility on-site we are able to provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan moving forward.

Should you wish to schedule an appointment, our current contact number is 031 562 9180 or you can email Leigh on

We look forward to showing you around our new spot. Glenashley is now home, and we are happy to be your Chiropractor in Glenashley